Sunday, June 24, 2012


I staged at L'ESPALIER for the first time yesterday; this was also, of course, my first experience in a professional kitchen. I was there from 1 P.M. to shortly before midnight. I peeled sunchokes, washed these tiny white turnips I have never seen before, trimmed and washed radishes, pitted cherries with a paper clip, watched service, and helped clean up at the end.
And I can stage again any time I like. Chef Matt joked that I should show up this morning at 8 A.M., but I'm impelled to stage at least every other week, probably somewhat more often than that. Who knows if someday I'll just choose to never have days off again.

Forget expecting to reach my goal of regularly working in a professional kitchen by the end of the summer because now I've got it. Maybe they'll start paying me for this by then, and perhaps I'll finally quit CVS.
I'm thinking I really want to look for a one-day stage somewhere in New York City when I'm on vacation in August. It'd be fucking awesome to stage at Momofuku Milk Bar or a whole slew of places.

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