Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Bouillabaise with Fennel over Grits (FM)

  • 1 cup grits or coarse cornmeal
  • Salt
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 3 fennel bulbs, cored and thinly sliced, fronds roughly chopped and reserved
  • 2 leeks, trimmed, well rinse, and cut into coins, white and tender green parts only [Frankly, I think that cutting the leeks into coins is counter-intuitive to the traditional means of washing leeks.  Bittman himself in HCE outlines the typical halving of the leeks almost through the root end and fanning out the layers while rinsing.  Oh well.]
  • 1 tablespoon minced garlic
  • Grated zest from 1 orange
  • Big pinch of saffron, optional
  • 1 dried hot chile, or pinch of cayenne, or to taste
  • 2 cups chopped tomatoes (canned are fine; drain their juice)
  • About 1 pound almost any seafood (like monkfish, cod, scallops, squid, or shrimp), peeled, skinned, boned, and cut into chunks as needed
  • 1 carrots or parsnips, cut into coins
  • 2 cups vegetable, shrimp, or fish stock; dry white wine; or water; plus more as needed
  • Black pepper
Mise en place.  Full-on except for the carrots.

Slowly whisk the water into the grits with a large pinch of salt.  Set over medium-high heat until almost a boil then simmer until the consistency of oatmeal.
I think this happened way more quickly that the suggested 10 to 15 minutes.  Whisk in 1 tablespoon of oil and season aggressively with black pepper.

Heat oil over medium heat.  Add fennel, leeks, garlic, and orange zest and cook until softened.
Add saffron and chile and cook for another minute.

Add tomatoes, seafood, carrots, and stock to just cover fish and vegetables.  I started pouring more of that boxed pinot to cover but worried about being unable to cook off the taste of alcohol with at least three cups of wine going on.
I was fine!

Bring to a boil, cover, and turn off heat.  Supposedly you're supposed to let this sit for five more minutes to cook through the shrimp, but they were already pink once this finished boiling.

Serve stew over grits.  Drape with those frilly little fennel fronds.

I think I've largely considered bouillabaise, inaccessible since it's rather delicate, but if Bittman doesn't care too much if I use all shrimp I guess I'm fine.
Grits are stupid easy to make.

Altogether the dish was good but not exactly rave-worthy.

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